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USC Apply Now

USC Share, an integration of Ultronx Ecosystem: the USC share On Ultronx platform can provide the share holders with the integration of Ultronx features, including but not limited to Ultronx share, Ultronx NFT, Ultronx Charity, Ultronx Pay, and additional services in the Ultronx Ecosystem.

Share Offered 525000 Sale Price 1USC= $11
Participants 34 Total committed $ 0

Launch a project on Ultronx now!

Ultronx x exchange is a cryptocurrency exchange, managed by Ultronx x organisation. Ultronx x exchange will make it easy to start trade by allowing users to convert their respective fiat currencies like pounds, Dollars directly into cryptocurrencies.

Ultronx Exchange will make Crypto trading that much and user friendly that majority of cryptocurrency trading shall take place on Ultronx exchange which will make its share holders/ channel partners to earn more and more as per their share holding's.